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Doctor Galina Matiyuk attends a course by Dr. Marco Ross

Doctor Galina Matiyuk attends a course by Dr. Marco Ross

As part of her continuous professional development, in September this year Galina Matiyuk attended a course for orthodontists given by Dr. Marco Ross (Italy) on the subject of “Earth Orthodontic Treatment”.

The photos demonstrate cases of an early treatment.

Doctor Galina Matiyuk attends a course by Dr. Marco Ross Photo 306
Photos 1 and 2. Diagnosis: crowding of teeth, dome-shaped palate.
Doctor Galina Matiyuk attends a course by Dr. Marco Ross Photo 305
Treatment: expansion of the dentition using an orthodontic device.
Doctor Galina Matiyuk attends a course by Dr. Marco Ross Photo 307
Dr.Marco Ross and Dr. Matiyuk Galina.